Puma Attack
Species: Puma And Guanaco | Location: Torres Del Paine, Chile
By Glen Simpers
While on the Nat. Hab. Patagonia Trip in February 2023 we stopped to watch guanacos peacefully graze. Suddenly the guanacos exploded into action running in all directions. A puma had attacked the herd and grabbed one. The Puma had grabbed it by the throat and slowly sufficated the animal. Once dead the puma drug it off into the bush.
About The Photographer
I have always enjoyed being in nature. This is a passion that I share with my wife, Bonnie. Photography allows us to share with others the interesting things that we find. We will take photos of anything that flies, walks, hops, or slithers in addition to lots of things that don't. Puzzling out what kind of creature it might be in the photo allows the fun of the trip to last until we get the urge for the next trip.