Species: Mountain Gorilla Gorilla Beringei Beringei | Location: Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda
Near the end of our fourth and final trek on a Nat Hab Primate photography trip, this silverback emerged well behind the rest of his group which had just left the boundary of Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda. A straggler myself, I noticed him in my peripheral vision as he entered a clearing with a beautiful landscape framing him in the light and chilly rain. I only got one shot off in the brief moment he paused to regard me, but was able to capture this magnificent and threatened animal with the deforestation and terracing of agricultural creep in the background which has so drastically reduced his species available habitat. To me, his expression communicates the dignity and resilience of his species despite his rain drenched coat, the need to forage outside a protected area and the backdrop of scenery epitomizing the conflict between humans and wild animals for resources and range. This is a hopeful image though, as efforts to align the interests of man and animals have been associated with significant gains in the mountain gorilla population in the area as well as opportunities like this one for both the gorillas and man to reflect on each other!
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